Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gambar kuuuu... *ISKI*

Photo was taken by Asmie Hassan somwhere in BKK

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009


The Photo is blurry but Im still lovin' it!

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Highway.

"The most important thing is not the camera but the eye"

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Pictures was taken di dapan rumah ku hehe maklum lah musim buah, except pix pantai 2 haha for the beach picture, I was testing my 24mm lens, and that is the result..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's burning in KB.

It was all green the day before and now.....

Ne No Ne No~~
Hangus dah..

Road to fantasy land.. all white!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Love us...

Happy 1 year anniversary baby... I love you so much.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dawn at 4 P.M?

This is the picture that cause me to fall to the ground. Seriously, I stumbled on a hydrant which was behind of me when i took this picture.. and i fell in slow motion and in style baby! haha

The sun was blocked by "jerebu" *apakan jerebu ckp urg putih ne? HAHA* and cause almost the entire KB to be gloomy and dusty.. CRAP! kamah keta ku..

Monday, July 13, 2009


Photos were taken using my SE C902.

My Baby Fruit

Muhammad Afiq Daniel.. I hope I got the spelling right hehe
Picture was taken using my trusted 5.0MP SE C902.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Snapshots at a friend's wedding..

Zulhamri, Harmizan, Shamree, AHMAD AMBRI, Isma Marzuki, Aswady, Sham Khairudin.
Front : Azrin, Hj Rozaimi

King Of the Day,

Inai di Jari.

Congratulation to Ahmad Ambri for his wedding with his partner, Dk Siti Arini Melati today (05/07/09). Gambar mu yang lain lain nanti ku bagi udah ku siap editing.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Things I've never seen before.

Sleeping 'Flat Frog'. haha *Skati* Found this frog beauty sleeping on my car's visor.. nyaman tdo ny yo, ku gambar pun inda ya bangun..
And found this weird looking grasshopper *lurus kah ne ejaan ny?* HAHA nwy, found this 'thing' masa aku cari makanan untuk Fighting Fish ku.. instead aku jumpa ane plg..


Millionth Barrel Monument

After a tiring day fighting fire huhu


LH Abd Lamit last day at work..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm bored..

I am seriously bored right now huhu I haven't take any good shots recently, just a few test shots saja and it was bida haha yth malas ku upload kesini haha anyway, I am currently waiting for few of my camera stuffs to arrive.. bought a battery grip, 52mm filters, lens hood and a 24mm f/2.8D lens (Yes, it's a 24mm, got a good deal on ebay last time for USD$200 only) huhu It might arrive in a week time, can't really wait..

While waiting for the stuff to arrive, I am also waiting for my girlfriend to get back here from KL.. syggggggggg, balik tah.. I really2 miss you :(

Alang2, ku menaip udah ne..I think I got to get this feeling of "banggang" "sebel" and "mbari sakit ati" out of my chest.. What I mean is that, I just don't understand how the brain of some of us, Bruneian think. For example, when they are in trouble or in needs they'll call for help from "someone" and at the end of the day, they'll start to complain on how bad or terrible this "someone" was! What the hell??!! Baik udah orang nulung tu, if you think that you are good, then why should ask for help at the first place! Try to think lah, don't just tau cakap and tau complain saja.. For once in your life, try to switch your brain in gear and start learning how to use it....


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I seriously want this lens!! I need this wide lens huhu and seriously, gonna buy it next month huhu mudahan saja cukup usin.. anyone out there yg mau sponsor rh aku? :D and if my budget is more than ok, i might grab the 24 MM lens instead hehe

Next on my List; Nikon SB-600 Speedlight.
Anyone selling it for a reasonable price?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Highland Game at Penaga Club.

Highlander on the phone~
Penarik keta kebal

No comment haha

Muka ku haha

Masjid Pandan and Kg Melayu Asli at dawn.